
Teens Ask the Expert: Dr. Jill Ehrenreich-May

Do you have questions about mental health? Check out our Q&A with Dr. Jill Ehrenreich-May and a panel of teens from the We Think Twice™ audience!

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Dr. Jill talks about the physiological reasons for mental illnesses, why some people experience mental illnesses while others don’t, and how mental health struggles can affect your ability to set and accomplish your goals.

Biology and Mental Illness

Nature, Nurture, and Mental Health

Mental Health and Goals

Dr. Jill shares strategies for coping with anxiety, panic attacks, and feeling overwhelmed.

Coping with Anxiety

Worry and Panic Attacks

Managing Stress

Dr. Jill discusses how you can support your friends if they are experiencing mental health struggles.

Supporting a Friend

Reacting to Mental Health Struggles

Dr. Jill shares resources for when and where to find help if you are feeling overwhelmed and need support.

Knowing When It's Time to Get Help

Talking with Teachers

Resources for Teens

Eating Disorders and Getting Support